Folding Cartons are categorised under secondary packaging and acts as external packaging, used to pack variety of items like liquid bottles, food pouches, medicine tablet strips, etc.
Printed Folding Cartons are the most effective way to visually represent the content of pack and its related information and/or application with ability to integrate graphics, colors, images, etc.
Printed Folding
Cartons are manufactured by us on conventional paper board like FBB, SBS & Duplex Boards. However, our modern printing machine with six inter decks is capable of printing on non-porous substrates like Metallized Polyester.
After Printing on Metallized Polyester surfaces various aesthetic & texture effects can be created by using UV based varnishes. These cartons stand out by their lustre and rich finish and have extensive applications. Such cartons
are now the latest trend and find wide clientele in the different industries.
We ensure that all our folding cartons have fold pre-broken to ensure that all cartons run satisfactorily on high speed automatic cartonator machines.
Value Addition Options: